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Courier Online

The software package functionality includes the following:

  • The Courier Online App allows pricing out items in accordance with the standard tariffs and regulations, even without 3G connection.
  • The Courier Online App enables couriers to interact with the service software supporting portable POS terminals, enabled to accept credit cards payment and ensuring a full automation of the payment processing, including printing paper receipt and routine (daily) reports by the cashier/terminal operator, all in compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Over the course of the day, incoming orders can be expediently assigned and queued based on the status of ongoing order completion by couriers out in the field, as well as their current whereabouts.
  • Added orders should be promptly transmitted to courier terminals for subsequent execution. The system must provide information about the up-to-date status of the execution of delivery orders already in progress, couriers’ current location and the direction of their current travel in order to enable a decision on adding orders while optimizing production functions.
  • Automatic client notification (an SMS alert sent to a specified telephone number) on the status of execution of a delivery/order. A possibility of telephone communication with the client through a user-friendly interface.
  • The Courier Online application is able to generate the required end-of-the-day reports for each courier.
  • The courier service automation app is built in accordance with the real postal service objectives and has the following components: Workplace module, Courier Online App, Report generation module, Basic planning and routing module and Integration module for interfacing with other information systems.

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