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School of the Digital Age

The SoDA solution uses a set of Microsoft products, and taken together these products create a comfortable and modern infrastructure for high-quality provision of educational services. In order to turn SoDA into a full-feature tool for educational institutions it was integrated with famous Russian  software solutions for education.

SoDA addresses the following issues:

  • Single sign-on for access to SoDA content and the data obtained via integration with the popular solutions already installed at the Russian schools;
  • Efficient communication inside the school community, remote access to classroom for a student, use of a shared whiteboard;
  • Automated reporting of various school departments regardless the distance between the school buildings, an easy tool for access rights control;
  • Assignment and control of the tasks for school support staff with automatic notifications to the e-mail of the task-owner and workgroup; 
  • Easy way to create an internal school portal using the best practices of the leading modern schools and to customize workflow templates according to the particular school needs (SharePoint implementation);
  • Publication of documents for individual and group work at the internal school portal;
  • Prompt informing of particular groups of the school community;
  • Viewing the inventory assigned to a department or an individual;
  • Access to on-line timetable (including the classroom number), students progress record, homework assignments; electronic textbooks.

The SoDA solution and the corresponding Microsoft products are automatically deployed at the school hardware or in the cloud.

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